All the brands I love, all in one place.

This isn’t just a catalog of random companies I threw together on a whim— these are the brands that I’ve trusted to support my family through bouts of sickness and to encourage lasting wellness.

Landing on these recommendations has taken me years of trial and error (and hundreds of hours of research) to ensure they’re as good as they claim.

Every brand name you see below, you’d also see sprinkled throughout my home because I only share products that my family and I actually use and love.

Simply copy the code and click the brand you’re interested in to jump over to their site!

** Don’t forget to visit my shop for product links and detailed brand reviews **

[Affiliate Disclaimer]





Aleavia: holisticmother

Air Doctor: holisticmother (DOWNLOAD GUIDE)


Analemma Water: holisticmother

AquaTru: holisticmother

Araza: holisticmother

Beauty Counter: cleanforall20

BeeKeeper’s: holisticmother

Biofulvic: holisticmother

Bioptimizers: holisticmother

Bioray: holisticmother

Birth Song Botanicals: holisticmother

Bliss Energetics: holisticmother

BodyBio: holisticmother

BrainTap: 2112KENE

Branch Basics: holisticmother

Bon Charge: holisticmother

BrainChild: holisticmother

Briotech: holisticmother

Carnivore Crisps: holisticmother

Crucial Four: holisticmother10

Daily Harvest: holisticmother

Dr. Cowan’s Garden: holisticmother

Dropps: holisticmother

Earthley: holisticmother

Eco Terra

Enviromedica: holisticmother

Equi Life

Equip Foods: holisticmother

Fatskn: holisticmother

Global Healing: holisticmother

Greenfield Water: holisticmother

Heart & Soil

Hypo Air: holisticmother (DOWNLOAD GUIDE)

Jigsaw Health: kendra10


Kettle & Fire: holisticmother

Knickey: holisticmother10

Kossma: holisticmother

Lakota Scientific: holisticmother

Lifeblud: holisticmother

Lifewave Patches


Lovebird Cereal: holisticmother

Mayu Water: holisticmother

Marine Healthfoods: holisticmother

Microbe Formulas: holisticmother

Mitigate Stress: holisticmother

Mitolife: holisticmother

Mother Earth Labs: holisticmother

Mountain Rose Herbs: roselove15

My Green Mattress: holisticmother

Myotape: holisticmother

My Tap Score: holisticmother

Northstar Regenerative: holisticmother

Ocushield: holisticmother

Oliveda (JOIN MY TEAM)

Organic Olivia: holisticmother

Organifi: holisticmother

Shop Organo (JOIN MY TEAM)

Oven Fresh Delivery: holisticmother

Pact: holisticmother15

Paleo On The Go: holisticmother (code doesn’t work on subscriptions

Paleo Valley: holisticmother

Perfect Supplement: holisticmother (DOWNLOAD GUIDE)

Perma Earth

Plant Therapy: holisticmother

Pluck Organ Seasoning: holisticmother

Pristine Hydro: holisticmother

Purity Coffee: holisticmother

Queen of Thrones: holisticmother

Revitin: holisticmother

Risewell: holisticmother

RNA Reset: kendra

Rosita: holistimother

Sani Tru: holisticmother


Seeking Health: hm10

Serenity Kids: holisticmother

Scout Organic: holisticmother

Smidge: holisticmother


Somavedic: holisticmother

Somnifix: holisticmother

Sun + Moon: holisticmother

Super Teeth: holisticmother

Sweet Apricity

Therasage: holisticmother

Thrive Market

Tooth Pillow: holisticmother

Wild Pastures

Wild Wholistic: holisticmother

Wish Garden Herbs: holisticmother

Young Kobras

360 Cookware: holisticmother